Αριθμός Σύμβασης: 883293


Διάρκεια: 1 Ιουνίου 2020 – 31 Mαϊου 2023


Σύνδεσμοι:  CORDIS


Αντικείμενο Έρευνας:

Infinity’s ambition is to become a flagship project against society’s most pressing cybercriminal, terrorist and hybrid threats. Synthesising the latest innovations in virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence and machine learning with big data and visual analytics, Infinity will deliver an integrated solution that aims to revolutionise data-driven investigations. Bringing together a strong representation from national and supranational agencies with an end-user-driven design, it will directly address the core needs of contemporary law enforcement. Specifically, it will equip investigators and analysts with cutting-edge tools to acquire, process, visualise and act upon the enormous quantities of data they are faced with every day. Bolstered by cognitive research, automated systems and instinctive interfaces and controls, Infinity will be designed and developed to maximise the potential of individual investigators. On a collective level, the immersive collaborative environment offered by Infinity will enable co-located and remote LEA cooperation in ways that have not yet been realised. This end-to-end system for LEA operations will cover the full investigative cycle, including generating reports for decision-makers and admissible evidence to demonstrate to juries and judges. Ultimately, the solutions offered by Infinity will propel LEAs ahead of traditional and evolving complex, hybrid and transnational threats and protect the societies they serve.




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