SPIRIT Project Kick-off Meeting in Brussels

Athens, 22 May 2023


A big Shoutout for the successful launch of the SPIRIT project, the Kick-off Meeting of which was successfully completed in Brussels on the 11th and 12th of may 2023.

SPIRIT seeks to enhance Synergies to Protect places of worshIp and RelIgious gaTherings via a diversified but mutually complemented consortium led by the Hellenic Police.

Building upon the results of previous similar ISF projects, SPIRIT’s main goal is to bridge the gap between traditional tools for vulnerability assessment by enriching them with advanced technological features. In this way, SPIRIT aspires to enhance the preparedness and response capabilities of places of worship (PoW) and religious mass gatherings, in a resource efficient and cost-effective manner, by presenting a holistic and integrated toolbox of modern technological solutions and security best practices.

SPIRIT brings together 12 beneficiaries (3 LEAs, 2 faith-based institutions, 1 association supporting theological and intercultural dialogue in the EU, 1 research and academic organization 5 SMEs) from 8 different EU countries.

In this context, KEMEA will facilitate the coordinator to the daily management of project and will lead Tasks in the Ethical & Legal compliance as well as the piloting activities of the project and will also be the leader in the work package dedicated to the elicitation of end-user needs and requirements and the conduct of vulnerability assessments in various religious sites.