Αthens, 17 December 2013
The Center for Security Studies (KEMEA), organized the Greek Infoday for the new framework Programme “HORIZON 2020”, on the 11th and 12th December 2013 in Athens, Greece.
The announcement of the Programme done by the Deputy Director of DG Enterprise and Industry of the European Commission Dr. Paul Weissenberg, with the participation of the Secretary General of the GSRT Dr. Christos Vassilakos, the Secretary General of Civil Protection Mr. Patroklos Georgiadis, as well as high ranked officers from the Greek Law Enforcement Agencies, the Armed Forces, members of the Research and the Academia Community , and members of the Security Industry and Enterprises.
The Infoday Initiative has been assigned to ΚΕΜΕΑ in close cooperation with the DG Enterprise and Industry of the European Commission with the participation of the General Secretariat of Research and Technology (GSRT) and the NGO “Praxis Network”.
During the Event, the DG Enterprise and Industry of the EC presented the new research aspects in the thematic areas of “Security” and “Space” within the framework of the new Programme “HORIZON 2020”. The Infoday was organized by the Center for Security Studies (KEMEA) of the Ministry of Public Order and Citizen Protection, in cooperation with the GSRT of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, as well as the NGO “Praxis Network” which is the National Contact Point (NCP), regarding “HORIZON 2020”.
The Deputy Director of the DG Enterprise and Industry of the EC, Dr. Paul Weissenberg officially announced the new funding programme during the Athens Infoday, which was attended by the Secretary General of the GSRT, Dr. Christos Vasilakos, and the Secretary General of Civil Protection Mr. Patroklos Georgiadis. In his speech, Mr. Georgiadis particularly pointed out the importance of the geopolitical characteristics of Greece, seen as the south-eastern borders of the European Union, a fact that results in placing Greece vis-à-vis with particular challenges to be dealt with. Furthermore, Mr. Georgiadis underlined the necessity for immediate correlation of any forthcoming research activities with the real needs of every authority involved in “Security” and “Space” sector.
The Working Sessions of the Infoday, were inaugurated by the President of KEMEA’s BoD, Professor Michalis Tsinisizelis, especially, by pointing out the vast and most of all essential role of KEMEA regarding research topics in the Security sector. Moreover, Professor Tsinisizelis referred to the major importance of the participation of the National Research and Academic Institutions, the Business community, and the National Security Authorities to the new research challenges funded by “HORIZON 2020”.
The Secretary General of Research and Technology, Dr. Christos Vasilakos in his brief salutation, promoted the importance of Research and Innovation as a leverage tool for development in National and European economy. In addition, Dr. Vasilakos made particular references regarding the forming of the National Research and Innovation Strategy. In the following speech, the Secretary General of Civil Protection Mr. Patroklos Georgiadis, referred to the new challenges in European level which directly influence Economic development, the broader security area of EU, as well as the national priorities proposed by Greece in the Security sector and in particular during the forthcoming Greek Presidency period.
The Athens Infoday HORIZON 2020, was attended by more than 250 participants among which Deputy Chief of the Hellenic Police, the Supervisor of Staff of the Hellenic Fire Corps, the Supervisor of Organization & Human Resources Dept. of the Hellenic Police, the Director of the Public Security and International Police Cooperation of the Hellenic Coast Guard, high ranked officers of the Law Enforcement Agencies, and the Armed Forces, members of the Academic and Research community, as well as, high level executives of the Industrial and Enterprise sector.
The event contributed to the exchange of opinions and the understanding from the part of the sum of the involved carriers to the resulting operational needs, as well as, technological and innovation capabilities, demanded in the Security and Space sector, while in the same time, offered a great networking opportunity between the participants.
In particular, within the framework of the Infoday working sessions, EU officials presented the thematic areas of the Programme “Secure Societies” (Secure societies – Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens) and “Space”, giving emphasis in European Service provided by Galileo, Global Navigation Satellite System and Copernicus, respectively, while in the same time the funding priorities, the participation regulations, and the new funding tools, were extensively analyzed.
The national law enforcement agencies (Hellenic Police, Fire Corps, and Hellenic Coast Guard) had a great opportunity to present to the research and enterprise community, the security challenges, the needs, the priorities, and the ideas for innovative technological solutions, which may useful tools in dealing with any operational need, may occur.
The “HORIZON2020” Programme is the new funding framework of the EU for Research and Innovation during 2014-2020. More specifically, the thematic areas of “Security” and “Space” will fund research projects with more than 650 million € within the above mentioned period, while significant benefits are expected for the national research community. As stated during the working session of the “HORIZON 2020” Athens Infoday, within the period 2014-2015, the Programme will fund research projects with a budget mounting up to 15 billion euros.
Click here to read and download the Athens Infoday speakers’ Presentations.
Click here to see Photos from the event.