On the 16th and 17th of January 2024, the kick-off meeting of the project “Disaster risk management and civil resilience DRM-FRAME” was successfully conducted at KEMEA’s premises. DRM-FRAME is an ERASMUS+ co-funded EU project of action type KA220-VET-“Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training” and has a duration of 2 years. KEMEA is the coordinator of the consortium which is composed by the following partners: University of Thessaly (GR), University of Camerino (IT), ISEM-International Security and Emergency Management Institute (SK), SYNTHESIS Center (CY) and Connect Brussels (Connect Your City – Brussels ASBL) (BE). Representatives of all partners attended physically the meeting, during which, a number of issues were jointly agreed and the next steps were drawn up.
The scope of the project is to enhance the capacity, skills building and preparedness in the area of Disaster Risk Management (DRM), including prevention, effective response and recovery and to promote local development opportunities. This will be achieved through the development of an interactive learning and training tool which will integrate a training curriculum in the area of DRM. The training audience is primarily composed by civil protection professionals at local, regional and national level, vocational trainers, volunteer associations, etc.
The consortium, composed by Higher Education Institutions, Research Institutes and Vocational Educational Providers, will jointly create an integrated curriculum which inter alia will train professionals in the basic concepts for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and relevant policy issues, basic steps for Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment, enrichment of strategic plans for DRR and management at local level, etc.
In this framework an interactive multilingual platform will be developed with the following features: (i) an e-learning space, including the topics of the training curriculum, supported by a web-GIS platform which will allow the illustration of the evolution of scenarios at the areas of interest; (ii) a double assessment tool, which will enable the customization of the training path and the evaluation of the acquired skills; (iii) communication and networking capabilities among users. The outcome of the project will be validated by a number of external experts and during the multiplier events in all partner countries.