KEMEA organised the CEPOL Train-the-Trainers Step 2 course in Thessaloniki.

The Center of Security Studies (KEMEA), a Framework Partner to CEPOL since 2016, has organised the second Step of the Train-the-Trainers CEPOL onsite training activity in Thessaloniki, Greece. A consortium composed of KEMEA, the Austrian Federal Police Academy and the Portuguese Higher Institute of Police Sciences and Internal Security (ISCPSI) implemented the activity from the 2nd to the 6th of October 2023. The training is part of a four-module course, individually held online and onsite, where onsite activities are carried out by ISCPSI (Step 1) and KEMEA (Step 2) respectively.


The “Train-the-Trainers” is a flagship CEPOL course fulfilling one of its core objectives; to train trainers and assist in improving and exchanging best learning practices. This course provides 24 law enforcement officers and experts from various Member States with the ability to design and deliver training content with a learner-centred approach by applying modern delivery methods and tools, as well as blended learning techniques in a multicultural learning environment. In addition, participants learn to competently assess, when acting as CEPOL trainers themselves, if the learners, after completing a training activity or session, have reached the specified learning outcomes, to contribute to the overall CEPOL quality training standards.


CEPOL – the EU Agency for Law Enforcement Training brings together law enforcement officials across Europe intending to encourage cross-border cooperation in the fight against serious and organised crime and maintenance of public security and law and order. Established as an agency of the European Union (EU) in 2006, CEPOL organises between 80-100 residential activities per year, besides the online courses and the Webinars. The implementation of the residential activities takes place at the institutions of the Member States and the activities cover a wide range of topics. For more information about CEPOL, visit