Gender Equality Plan 2023-2025

Ι. Introduction

Gender equality is a fundamental value of the European Union.

Following the Guidance on Gender Equality Plans issued by the EC[1], gender equality:

  • Helps to improve the quality and impact of research and innovation by helping to ensure it is reflective of and relevant to the whole of society;
  • Creates better working environments that enable good quality research and learning and help maximise the potential and talents of all staff;
  • Helps to attract and retain talent by ensuring that all staff can be confident that their abilities will be valued and recognised fairly and appropriately.

A Gender Equality Plan (GEP) is adopted by organizations or institutions in order to assess their procedures and practices, identify gender bias and implement measures to correct any bias, set targets and monitor progress in gender equality via indicators.[2]

Center for Security Studies (KEMEA) is a public body established under the provisions of Law 3387/2005 (GG A 224) as a scientific, consulting and research organization overseen by the Minister of Citizen Protection with principal purpose the conduct of theoretical and applied research and studies, particularly at strategic level, on security topics and policies(art.1,3).

KEMEA acknowledges that gender equality benefits research and innovation (R&I) and establishes as priorities to address the issue gender equality, to set guidelines for future activities in order to enhance gender equality and to monitor application of the Gender Equality Plan (GEP).With this document KEMEA aims to identify and tackle gender inequalities, detect their causes and define desired outcomes, including targets, establish measures to achieve the aims, and set indicators to monitor progress.

In addition, KEMEA aims to engage its personnnel in the implementation of this plan, having conscious that a GEP is an ongoing process that encourages self-reflection and review of processes and practices. This GEP has been signed by the Board of Directors of KE.ME.A., it has been published on the organization’s website ( and communicated within the organization.

KEMEA’s GEP focuses on the five-recommended by the EC- thematic areas, adding one more (initial) step, which is essential for the implementation of an effective and substantial GEP:

  • measurement, current situation in the institution
  • work-life balance and organisational culture
  • gender balance in leadership and decision-making
  • gender equality in personnel selection and career progression
  • integration of the gender dimension into research
  • measures against gender-based violence including sexual harassment

ΙΙ.Regulatory Framework

KEMEA’s GEP legitimates and protects every strategy aiming to achieve gender equality within the Center. The GEP is in accordance with Greek and European laws and aligns with national initiatives and actions towards equality of women and men, rights, discrimination banning, equality treatment, harassment in workplace, social responsibility of organisations etc. Articles, policies and directives can be found in detail in the following sections.

1.      National Legislation

Τhe Greek Constitution guarantees equality between sexes (Art. 2, §4) and the right to equal pay for work of equal value regardless of gender or other differences (Art. 22, §1). At the same time, the Greek Constitution recognizes substantive equality between the sexes. In the constitutional revision process in 2001, it is foreseen that “positive measures for promoting equality between men and women do not constitute discrimination on grounds of sex” and

that “the state shall take measures to eliminate inequalities to the detriment of women that exist in practice” (Art. 116(2)).

Law 2839/2000- GG A 196 ‘Regulations related to the Ministry of Interior, Public Administration and Decentralization and other provisions’  in article 6 requires one-third gender representation in all decision-making public body committees, including those of universities and research institutions. More specifically, one-third representation of the minority sex is needed for all decision-making public body committees, provided that potential members have the same level of qualifications.

Law 4009/2011 – GG A 195 ‘Structure, operation, quality assurance of studies and internationalization of higher education institutions’  in art. 1 par. 3 provides that: “In order to fulfill their mission, the institutions are organized and operate with rules and practices that ensure the compliance and safeguarding of the principles in particular: (…) h) equal treatment between the sexes and respect for all diversity”. Moreover law 4957/2022 – GG A 141 “New horizons in higher education istiutions: Enhancing the quality, operability and connection of higher education institutions to the society and other provisions”  in art.3 par. 5 provides that gender equality is one of the main missions of the higher education institutions (HEIs).

Moreover law 3653/2008 – GG A 49 ‘Institutional framework of research and technology’, requires the establishment of gender-balanced procedures and decision-making processes in the research sector. More specifically, article 57 regulates the participation rate of Scientists in the Staffing of National Bodies and Research and Technology Committees. This is particularly relevant in recruitment and selection of personnel in national bodies and research and technology committees, provided candidates have adequate qualifications.

At the same time, article 25 of law 4386/2016 – GG A 83 ‘Regulations for research and other provisions’ provides that numbers of candidates for the National Committee of Research and Innovation, the Sectoral Research Councils, the Regional Councils of Research and Innovation, and the Scientific Committees of Research Institutes will be determined on the basis of scientific excellence. At least one-third representation of the minority sex will be guaranteed, provided that candidates have adequate qualifications.

In addition with law 3896/2010 – GG A 207, Greece implements the principle of equal opportunities and equal treatment of men and women in matters of employment and ocfcupation and harmonizes the existing legislation with Directive 2006/54/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5 July 2006.

Also, law 4604/2019 – GG A 50, on promoting substantive equality between sexes and combating gender-based violence, provides measures to be implemented across the public sector. More specifically article 10 provides that every Ministry shall present an annual report on actions, measures and programs adopted in order to promote equality among sexes and combat gender-based violence and shall publish on their website once a year a report on the progress of elimination gender-based discrimination. This report shall contain measures taken and their results. It is noted that many of KEMEA’s projects were included in the annual report of the Ministry of Citizen Protection, the ministry overviewing KEMEA, which was part of the National Action Plan on Gender Equality (2021-2025).[3]

Moreover according to article 11, Ministries and public bodies shall include in their annual budgets gender based actions and according to article 13, they shall collect and keep statistics on gender that shall be sent to the General Secretariat for Demography and Family Policy and Gender Equality. In addition, article 17 encourages universities and research centers to integrate gender equality in their teaching and research activities. For private and commercial companies, including those in the research sector, article 21 of the law provides the creation of a Gender Equality Badge (GEB) to reward initiatives promoting equal opportunities and the adoption of Gender Equality Plans (GEPs).

Moreover article 33 of law 4589/2019[4] – GG A 13 provides the establishment of Gender Equality Committees (GECs) at all Greek universities. The GECs act as consultative bodies to the university senate, schools, and departments. They are composed of unpaid members who participate voluntarily in different activities, including the development of Gender Equality Action Plans (GAPs). The GAPs aim to promote gender equality and combat sexism; enhance awareness and gender equality in research communities; promote gender studies and research at Greek universities and research institutions; mediate cases of gender-based violence, discrimination and harassment; and support victims who report gender discrimination and gender-based violation. Most Greek universities and some research centers have established GECs, taking up an active role in 2021 in initiatives against gender-based violence, discrimination, and harassment in research institutions.

In addition, the provisions of Law 4808/2021[5] – GG A 101 provide for the prevention and treatment of violence and harassment at work and the fight against workplace bullying. Based on the existing institutional framework, the aim is to consolidate a culture of equality and protection from violence and harassment and to cultivate a healthy work environment.

2.      European Legislation

Equality between people and non-discrimination are the founding cornerstones of the EU and are being embedded in the Treaties of the European Union, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and secondary legislation. In the development of the GEP, KEMEA considers the:

  1. “Recast” Directive (2006/54/EC) on equal opportunities and equal treatment of women and men in employment and occupation which requires the implementation of the prohibition of direct and indirect sex discrimination, harassment and sexual harassment in pay and access to employment,
  2. Directive 2010/41/EU on the prohibition of direct and indirect (sex) discrimination to self-employment,
  3. discrimination prohibition Directive on Pregnancy (92/85/EEC),
  4. Parental Leave Directive (2010/18/EU),
  5. Part- time Work Directive (97/81/EC),
  6. Racial Equality Directive (2000/43/EC) that prohibits discrimination on the ground of racial or ethnic origin in employment as well as
  7. Employment Equality Directive (2000/78/EC), covering the grounds of religion or belief, disability, age, and sexual orientation.


For the implementation of this plan, the institution shall set up a Gender Equality Committee (GEC) formed by persons, with expertise on human rights or prior active involvement in gender matters, responsible to implement the organization’s GEP, propose the necessary changes for promoting equal treatment of men and women within the entity and to coordinate and design the assessment and evaluation of the equality between men and women.

The Committee shall review the relevant legislation and policies applicable in Greece, regarding gender equality and non-discrimination, as well as those that are specific to the fields of research and innovation (R & I). It shall also proceed with a very first assessment of the current situation in the organization as analysed hereunder.

Moreover, the Gender Equality Committee shall:

  1. prepare action plans to promote and ensure substantial equality in the entity’s research and administrative procedures and prepares the annual reports to be submitted to the Board of Directors,
  2. recommend to the competent internal bodies measures to promote equality and combat sexism,
  3. provide information and training within the organization on issues related to gender and equality,
  4. provide contact points in cases of complaints of discriminatory treatment or harassing behavior,
  5. promote the preparation of studies and research on issues related to its field of competence,
  6. provide assistance to victims of discrimination when they report discriminatory treatment.

This Action Plan sets as an initial goal to proceed with systematically recording the distribution of genders in the institution, in respect with research and administrative personnel and/or in general KEMEA’s associates at all Sectors as defined in Ministerial Decision ΓΔΟΕΣ/1/2/414/2019.

The analysis is made according to biological sex at birth, in a binary fashion (female, male); an intersex category has not been considered in the present plan, but it is expected that the actions to be taken within the next years will set the ground for the development of a three-category based analysis: woman, man, and non-binary (or gender-diverse).

For each priority area, the present action plan addresses the following chapters:

  • • objectives
  • • action/measures
  • • indicators
  • • plan timeline
  • • involved persons


Six thematic priority areas have been identified: those set by the EC as a prerequisite for the submission of research proposals and one additional, the systematic record of the current situation, on which rely the indicators for the future assessment.

Area 1: Analysing and assessing the state-of-play in the institution
The assessment of the state-of-play of the institution will provide insight on which measures need to be implemented.


  • Collect data broken down by sex about personnel to detect gender differences and to identify the most pressing areas requiring intervention.
  • Carry out a gender analysis based on the collected data. Once gathered, the data should be analysed to establish an understanding of the key differences and the gap between women and men within the organisation and their activities. This analysis will help to find the key priorities for the GEP and to adjust these priorities as the situation evolves over time. The team(s) or individual(s) responsible for the analysis of collected data should be clearly established; where possible, the team analysing the data should include expertise on gender equality within the organisation.[6]
  • Identify the existing measures promoting gender equality and assess if and how they are implemented.
  • Measure gender distribution at different career stages.
  • Measure gender distribution in the research and administrative personnel.
  • Capture the gender distribution in positions of responsibility.
  • Publication of data gathered on gender equality on KEMEA’s website, either as a standalone document or webpage, or within the GEP.
  • Monitor the data on an annual basis: monitoring and reporting of the data collected will be carried out on an annual basis to enable the organisation to understand progress, identify where activities are having an impact, and where obstacles persist throughout the life of the GEP.

Who is involved:

  • Gender Equality Committee
  • Heads of Sectors of KEMEA
  • Human Resources office


  1. Identify the categories of personnel (researchers, administrative staff, permanent employees, posted employees, on contract employees).
  2. Prepare statistics on total gender distribution.
  3. Prepare statistics on gender distribution by category of personnel.
  4. Prepare statistics on gender distribution in positions of responsibility.
  5. Prepare statistics on gender distribution in positions with decisive authority.

Groups the action is addressed to:

  • All personnel.
  • Administration including Board of Directors, Director(s)


  • Three-year map of gender distribution of the institution

Plan Timeline:




Identification of the categories of collaborators (researchers, administrative staff, permanent employees, on contract employees)  


Statistics on total gender distribution

Statistics on gender distribution by category of collaborators

Statistics on gender distribution in positions of responsibility

Statistics on gender distribution in positions with decisive authority.

Area 2: Work-life balance and organizational culture

KEMEA considers important to include in the present GEP policies and measures related to a) the transformation of organizational culture to ensure gender equality and b) work-life balance such as parental leave policies, flexible working time arrangements and support for caring responsibilities.


Sub-area a: Organizational culture

  • use actively and encourage the use of neutral language in the communication within the institution
  • use of neutral language on the institution’s texts

Sub-area b: Work–life balance policies and measures[7]

  • introduce flexible working time arrangements;
  • support for caring responsibilities, including childcare and care for other dependents (e.g. people with disabilities, elderly relatives);
  • ensure reintegration after career breaks;
  • offer advice and support on work–life balance.


Who is involved:

  • Gender Equality Committee
  • KEMEA’s Director
  • Heads of Sectors


Sub-area 1:

  1. Introduce gender equality support structures and creation of contact point.
  2. Create of a Guide for the use of neutral, non-sexist speech.
  3. Train for the use of the Non-Sexist Speech Guide.
  4. Enforce the use of neutral, non-sexist language in all administrative documents and all forms of communication of the institution, including websites.
  5. Rename of the institution’s commissions that exclusively use the male gender, if any.
  6. Collect quantitative and qualitative data based on gender by academic and administrative unit, analysis and evaluation on an annual basis.
  7. Provide training on issues of gender equality and non-discrimination [seminars, printed/digital and audio-visual materials].

Sub-area 2:

  1. Set measures leading to renegotiation of workload if needed.
  2. Examine the possibility to collaborate with the Municipality of Athens for the reception and accommodation of children of KEMEA’s personnel, within the daycare that operates at the Ministry’s premises.
  3. Examine the possibility to collaborate with neighboring hospitals for the immediate provision of first aid to the children of KEMEA’s personnel, when deemed necessary.
  4. Apply of flexible working hours for personnel, especially of charged with caring for dependent family members (eg, children, elderly)- or expand flexibility, reasonable working hours, telework, flexible schedules.

Groups the action is addressed to:

  • Personnel
  • Director
  • Board of Directors


  • Three-year map of gender distribution of the institution
  • Use of neutral, non-sexist language
  • Raising awareness and training activities

Plan Timeline:





Gender equality support structures and creation of contact point


Creation of a Guide for the use of neutral, non-sexist language


Training for the use of the Non-Sexist Speech Guide


Enforcement of the use of non-sexist language in all administrative documents and all forms of communication of the institution, including websites


Renaming the institution’s boards and commissions that exclusively use the male gender, if any


Raising awareness activities and training on issues of gender equality and non-discrimination

Initiation of discussions with Municipality and Hospitals to examine the possibility of collaboration for a) reception and accommodation of children of KEMEA’s personnel, within the daycare that operates at the Ministry’s premises and b) immediate provision of first aid to the children of KEMEA’s personnel


Application of flexible working hours for collaborators charged with caring for dependent family members (eg, children, elderly)- or expand flexibility, reasonable working hours, telework, flexible schedules

Renegotiation of workload accordingly

Modification Institution’s regulations and policies to include GE principles


Area 3: Gender balance in leadership and decision-making

This part of the GEP sets specific voluntary targets to ensure a proportional gender representation in key leading positions and in decision making committees as these are appointed by the administration of the institution.


  • Ensure proportional number and share of women in leadership and decision-making positions to ensure gender balance.
  • Examine the existence of potential barriers to ensure that women are represented in decision-making and leadership positions, including structural, institutional and individual barriers.
  • Adapt processes for selection and appointment of collaborators on committees.
  • Ensure gender balance in submitted candidatures for leadership and decision-making positions.
  • Support from management/leadership is highly important for success of the objective.

Who is involved:

  • Gender Equality Committee
  • Director
  • Board of Directors


  1. Identify the different locations for formal and informal decision-making.
  2. Measurement through collection of quantitative and qualitative data in positions of responsibility.
  3. Examine processes and procedures for the selection and appointment on committees and other bodies – ensure decisions consider gender issues and women are empowered to take an equal role.
  4. Adapt processes and procedures for the selection and appointment on committees and other bodies if needed.
  5. Encourage equal gender candidatures in positions of responsibility and decision-making positions, through gender-neutral vacancy descriptions.
  6. Strengthen equal participation of genders in positions in leadership and decision-making positions.
  7. Create a process to monitor gender balance and ensure the participation of women in committees, positions of responsibility and decision-making bodies.
  8. Present women of the institution with important scientific and administrative work.
  9. If considered necessary, introduce gender quotas to ensure gender balance.

Groups the action is addressed to:

  • Personnel
  • Candidates


  • Annual reporting
  • Monitoring percentages of women participating in leadership and decision-making positions
  • Monitoring percentages of women presenting candidature for leadership and decision-making positions.

Plan Timeline:





Identify the different locations for formal and informal decision-making


Measurement through collection of quantitative and qualitative data in positions of responsibility


Examination of processes and procedures for the selection and appointment on committees and other bodies – ensure decisions consider gender issues and women are empowered to take an equal role.  


Adaptation of processes and procedures for the selection and appointment on committees and other bodies if needed


Encourage equal gender candidatures in positions of responsibility and decision-making positions, through gender-neutral vacancy descriptions

Strengthening equal participation of genders in positions in leadership and decision-making positions

Create a process to monitor gender balance and ensure the participation of women in committees, positions of responsibility and decision-making bodies.


Presentation of women of the institution with important scientific and administrative work.


Area 4: Gender equality in selection and career progression

The last years KEMEA has shown particular interest in occupying women; the institution aims to preserve this approach and build more in women’s carrier progression. In this sense, it is necessary to review selection procedures and remedy any biases to ensure that women and men get equal chances to develop and advance their careers.


  • Review existing selection processes and procedures at all stages and remedying any biases.
  • Identify fields underrepresented by women.
  • Ensure gender balance in selection of personnel.
  • Ensure gender balance in career progression.
  • Ensure equality in payment rate.
  • Consider establishing personnel selection codes of conduct.

Who is involved:

  • Gender Equality Committee
  • Director
  • Board of Directors


  1. Critically review existing selection processes and procedures at all stages and remedying abiases, if any.
  2. Retain personnel selection principles that increase transparency and help avoid unconscious biases.
  3. Consider involving gender equality expertise in personnel selection and promotion committees.
  4. Consider using standardized curriculum vitae forms (CV) and undertaking blind assessment of CVs.
  5. Ensure gender-neutral vacancy descriptions and presentation.
  6. Consider a policy of re-advertising if there are no women in the applicant pool.
  7. Providing attractive employment packages (with emphasis on flexibility at the workplace).
  8. Retain a precise payment rate methodology for fixed term contract personnel.
  9. Monitor gender balance in career retention and career development.

Groups the action is addressed to:

  • Personnel
  • Candidates



  • Annual reporting.
  • Measurement of the women representation in job application.
  • Gender balance in personnel selection committees.
  • Measurement of the retention and progression rates per gender.

Plan Timeline:





Critically review existing selection processes and procedures at all stages and remedying any biases  


Retain personnel selection principles that increase transparency and help avoid unconscious biases.


Consider involving gender equality expertise in personnel selection and promotion committees.

Consider using standardized curriculum vitae forms (CV) and undertaking blind assessment of CVs.

Ensure gender-neutral  descriptions and presentation

Consider a policy of re-advertising if there are no women in the applicant pool.

Providing attractive employment packages (with emphasis on flexibility at the workplace)

Monitor gender balance in career retention, career development and salaries

Area 5: Integration of the gender dimension into research and teaching content

This part of the GEP aims to set out the Institution’s commitment to incorporate sex and gender in its research priorities, ensuring that the gender dimension is considered in research and, where applicable, in teaching activities of the Institution. As explained by the European Institute for Gender Equality, considering that knowledge is the basis on which future generations will build their societies, it is crucial that the knowledge that is created through research and transferred through education is free of gender bias.[10]


  • Integrate gender dimension in research and gender content.
  • Eliminate gender bias in knowledge that is created through research and transferred through education.
  • Ensure that teaching activities consider, encourage and promote gender equality.
  • Balanced gender representation in research articles published.
  • Balanced gender participation in research and teaching activities.


Who is involved:

  • Head of Sectors
  • Responsible of training programmes/actions


  1. Record of projects related to gender equality already incorporated in the institution’s curricula.
  2. Organise raising awareness activities with other institutions explaining the importance of gender equality in teaching and research.
  3. Integration of the sex/gender dimension into the monitoring of research output and programme outcomes.
  4. Participate in calls that are designed to stimulate research around the gender dimension across different disciplines.

Groups the action is addressed to:

  • Heads of Sectors
  • Researchers
  • Educators/Trainers


  • Annual reporting

Plan Timeline:





Record of projects related to gender equality already incorporated in the institution’s curricula.


Organise raising awareness activities with other institutions explaining the importance of gender equality in teaching and research.  


Integration of the sex/gender dimension into the monitoring of research output and programme outcomes.


Participate in calls that are designed to stimulate research around the gender dimension across different disciplines.

Ensure balanced gender representation

Area 6: Measures against gender-based violence, including sexual harassment

KEMEA has zero tolerance towards sexual harassment and gender-based violence. The institution is subject to the provisions of law 4808/2021  – GG A 101 (art. 4 – 8, 13, 14, 15 and mutatis mutandis art. 12) and all relevant national laws and regulations. Moreover KEMEA considers it necessary to establish clear institutional policies on sexual harassment and other forms of gender-based violence. For this reason, KEMEA at this point addresses this issue providing information regarding sexual and gender-based harassment and offering attention and support to victims and witnesses of misconduct, with a commitment to put an end to such behavior; it also makes it clear that it does not tolerate abuses, including behavior that violates any individual’s dignity or that creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment. In the same context, it acknowledges the importance of communication activities that identify the problem, adopts measures of intervention when necessary to ensure the creation of an inclusive and safe culture for the personnel.


  • Establish clear institutional policies on sexual harassment and other forms of gender-based violence.
  • Establish a culture of zero tolerance toward sexual harassment and violence, including behavior that violates any individual’s dignity or that creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment.
  • Take measures to outline how personnel can report instances of gender-based violence.
  • Introduce specific contact point for reporting the event.
  • Ensure that potential victims or witnesses of harassment are not deterred from reporting incidents.
  • Provide information and support to victims or witnesses.
  • Communicate to the personnel the established policies.

Who is involved:

  • Gender Equality Committee
  • Director
  • Board of Directors
  • Legal Department


  1. Designate the representatives of the Institution as contact point and reference persons; those representatives should provide for consulting and support services.
  2. Introduce a reporting policy and complaint management procedures that outlines how personnel can report incidents of sexual harassment, including when they are the victim of harassment or witness harassment, ensuring that there are no barriers to reporting and that all reports are taken seriously.
  3. Communicate the reporting policy to the personnel of the institution.
  4. Organise awareness-raising activities to communicate these issues and expectations to the personnel.
  1. Conduct regular and systematic evaluation of the implementation and efficiency of the measures taken (monitoring).
  2. Take action to protect the victim from being secondarily victimized.

Groups the action is addressed to:

  • Personnel
  • Representatives of the Institution acting as the contact point


  • Designation of representatives of the Institution as contact points to report incidents of sexual harassment
  • Introduction of reporting policy and communication thereof
  • Number of awareness raising activities
  • Annual reporting

Plan Timeline:





Designation of representatives of the Institution as contact point and reference persons


Reporting policy and complaint management procedures/protocol



Communicate the reporting policy to the personnel of the institution



Awareness-raising activities to communicate these issues and expectations to the personnel.


Conduct regular and systematic evaluation of the implementation and efficiency of the measures taken  



KEMEA acknowledges that the GEP is not static or immutable. Several circumstances may lead to the need to adapt this GEP, such as changes in the operation of the organization, the introduction of new legislation or policies that apply to research organizations, change of the priorities of the organization.[11] KEMEA’s GEP Committee shall follow such events closely and decide on the need to update this Action Plan. KEMEA also understands the importance of awareness-raising and capacity-building efforts, as a means for maximising chances for success of the GEP; therefore, it commits itself to organize such activities.


Monitoring is a continuous process, in which data is systematically collected in order to provide the Committee with regular updates on the progress and achievement of objectives[12]; it aims to “ensure that the right thing is done”.[13] Evaluation is the assessment of an ongoing or completed action or policy based on the monitoring data, providing lessons learnt for the planning of future measures[14]; it aims to ensure that “the right outcomes are achieved”. [15]

The indicators that have been introduced in this action plan for each measure in specific timeframe, the collection of the relevant data shall ensure that the monitoring is effective. In any case, monitoring shall take place annually to meet the Horizon Europe requirements. Same indicators will lead the assessment, evaluation of the actions or policies in the longer term.

In the monitoring sessions the organization may decide to involve, apart from the core team, i.e., the Committee, personnel of the organization. The Committee will issue and submit to the Board of Directors annual monitoring reports and a final evaluation report when the time frame elapses.


[1] EU Commission, Horizon Europe Guidance on Gender Equality Plans, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, 2021

[2] ROADMAP TO GENDER EQUALITY PLANS in research and higher education institutions a short guide


[4] Entitled: Synergies of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, the Agricultural University of Athens, the University of Thessaly with Technological Educational Institute of Thessaly and Central Greece, Pallimnian Fund and other provisions.

[5] For Labor Protection – Establishment of an Independent Authority “Labor Inspection” – Ratification of Convention 190 of the International Labor Organization on the Elimination of Violence and Harassment in the World of Work – Ratification of Convention 187 of the International Labor Organization on the Framework for the Promotion of Safety and Health at Work – Incorporation of Directive (EU) 2019/1158 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 on the balance between professional and private life, other provisions of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and other urgent regulations.

[6] Horizon Europe Guidance on GEP_en.pdf, p. 24s.







[13] TARGET gender equality monitoring tool, p. 3


[15] TARGET gender equality monitoring tool, p. 3