Board of Directors

The Board of Directors consists of seven members and it is composed by the President, the Vice President and five (5) members, serving for three (3) years, a term that can be further extended. The Minister of Public Order and Citizen Protection, appoints the Members of the BoD, chosen among scientists, acknowledged members of the Academia, and successful professionals highly experienced inthe Security sector.

Τhe BoD is the highest administrative body of KEMEA. The BoD decides for any issue related to the adminstration and function, asset management, assets’ and resources’ disposal, as well as, the proper achievent of KEMEA’s goals.

More specifically:

• Defines KEMEA’s strategic framework and other special operations

• Supervises, controls, and guides KEMEA’s departments

• Approves the annual budget, financial statement, and financial report before their submission to the Minister of Public Order and Citizen Protection

• Following to KEMEA’s Drector proposals, the BoD decides about the recruitment of the required scientific personnel

• Approves the annual report, submitted to the Minister of Public Order and Citizen Protection

• Assigns to Scientific Institutions and/or Research Scientists, under a contract agreement, the  implementation of research projects serving KEMEA’s mission

• Takes the appropriate decisions regarding the acceptance or rejection of any kind of subsidies, donations, thrid-parties contributions, and bequests

• Defines the amount of compensation for the services provided by KEMEA

The members of the Board of Directors are freely revocable and can be replaced, under the above-mentioned procedure. The BoD meets at least twice a month, and more frequently on special occasions when considered necessary.