A. Kolovos: Satellites at Security’s Service: The Case of European Union’s External Border Surveillance, Center for Security Studies. ISBN 978-960-08-0745-5 I. Sideris (2016)
Κεφάλαια σε Βιβλία
V. Grizis: International Legislative Initiatives to Combat Human Trafficking. Policing Across Borders “Law Enforcement Networks and the Challenges of Crime Control”. ISBN 978-1-4419-9544-5 Springer (2013)
N. Petropoulos: Defining and Combating Terrorism: International and European Legislative Efforts. Policing Across Borders “Law Enforcement Networks and the Challenges of Crime Control”. ISBN 978-1-4419-9544-5 Springer (2013)
A. Kolovos, “Space-based capabilities for internal security operations: A critical assessment of the case of land border surveillance”, European Space Policy Institute (ESPI) Yearbook on Space Policy 2010-2011, ISBN 978-3-7091-1363-9 Springer (2013)
G. Halikias, G. Leventakis, C. Kontoes, V. Tsoulkas, L. Dritsas, A, Pantelous: Design Issues of an Operational Fire Detection System Integrated with Observation Sensors. Advances in Satellite Communications. ISBN 978-953-307-562-4 (2011)
Επιστημονικά Περιοδικά
Dimitrios Kavallieros , Stefanos Malliaros , Ioannis Daniilidis , George Leventakis , Vasileios Grizis (2015). PPDR Information Systems – A Current Status Review Report. Universal Journal of Management, Vol. 3 , Issue 12, pp. 471 – 486. doi: 10.13189/ujm.2015.031201.
V. Grizis, G. Leventakis, N. Nikitakos, A. Sfetsos Development of a risk assessment methodological framework for seaborders Journal of Polish Safety and Reliability Association Summer Safety and Reliability Seminars, Volume 5, Number 2, 2014
D. Zisiadis, G. Thanos, S. Kopsidas, G. Leventakis: STAR-TRANS Modeling Language: Risk Modeling in the STAR-TRANS Risk Assessment Framework. Volume 5, Issue 2. Copyright © IGI GLOBAL 2013.
A. Sfetsos, G. Leventakis, N. Moustakidis, V. Gkrizis, N. Nikitakos: The development of a strategic risk analysis framework for interconnected surface transportation systems. International Journal of Critical Infrastructures. Inderscience Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 177-199, 2011
G. Leventakis, A. Sfetsos, N. Moustakidis, V. Gkrizis, N. Nikitakos, A generic strategic risk analysis framework in interconnected transportation networks, Risk Management, (accepted for publication)
A.Pantelous, A. Karageorgos, V. Tsoulkas, G. Kalogeropoulos: Solutions properties and the extension of classical rank controllability criterion for higher order linear descriptor matrix differential systems. Neural, Parallel & Scientific Computations Journal. vol. 19. pp. 111-128. (2011)
Επιστημονικά Συνέδρια
I. Daniilidis, G. Leventakis, V. Grizis, Novel “Orthogonal” Techniques for Mobile Border Screening, 1st Workshop on Customs Detection Technologies (“On-site Detection”), Keynote speaker, Budapest, 7-9 October 2014, Security & Safety, Trade Facilitation Customs Policy, Legislation, Tariff & International Coordination, Risk Management and Security, DIRECTORATE-GENERAL TAXATION AND CUSTOMS UNION, EUROPEAN COMMISSION
I. Daniilidis, J.-J. Filippi, W. Vautz, E. Dalcanale, S. Zampolli, G. Leventakis, I. Kauppinen, S.Sinisalo, V. Tsoulkas, V. Kassouras, M. Carras, B. Gerard, R. Pinalli, A. Ragnoni, L. Dujourdy, D. Zavali, M. Brun, V. Grizis, A. Argyris, D. Syvridis, Detection of Olfactory Traces by Orthogonal Gas Identification Technologies – DOGGIES, ΙΕΕΕ Homeland Security Conference 2014, IEEE Joint Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference, Paper #73, September 24-26 2014, The Hague, Netherlands
V. Tsoulkas, D.Kostopoulos, G.Leventakis, G. Real Time Asset Monitoring and Risk Management of Critical Infrastructures, Second International Conference on Vulnerability and Risk Analysis and Management (ICVRAM) and the Sixth International Symposium on Uncertainty, Modeling, and Analysis (ISUMA), pp. 746-751, July 2014, Liverpool UK, American Society of Civil Engineers
Baldovini N., Brun M., Carras M., Charvoz C., Dalcanale E., Danilidis Y., Dimitropoulos A., Dujourdy L., Filippi J-J., Gerard B., Grizis V., Kassouras V., Kauppinen I., Kotro J-P., Leventakis G., Marchini M., Nicoletti S.,Pinalli R., Ragnoni A., Raittila J., Russo A., Sielemann S., Sinisalo S., Skountzos D., Syvridis D., Tsoulkas V., Vautz W., Zampolli S., Zavali D.: DOGGIES Poster, 17th International Forensic Science Managers Symposium, October 2013, Lyon, France.
D. Kostopoulos, V. Tsoulkas, G. Leventakis, P. Drogkaris, V. Politopoulou, Real Time Threat Prediction, Identification and Mitigation for Critical Infrastructure Protection using Semantics, Event Processing and Sequential Analysis, 8th International Conference on Critical Information Infrastructures Security (CRITIS 2013), E. Luiijf and P. Hartel, (eds), pp. 133-141, September 2013, Amsterdam, Springer LNCS
D. Kostopoulos, V. Tsoulkas, G. Leventakis, P. Drogkaris, V. Politopoulou: A Blend of Semantic Monitoring and Intrusion Detection Systems for the Protection of Critical Infrastructures: Research efforts within the Greek Cybercrime Center. Fifth International Conference on Computanional Intelligence, Communication Systems and Networks (CICSYN 2013). IEEE CPS. (2013)
D. Kostopoulos, V. Tsoulkas, G. Leventakis, P. Drogkaris, V. Politopoulou: Semantic Systems Modeling and Monitoring for Real Time Decision Making: Results and Next Steps within the Greek Cyber Security Center of Excellence. AMSS 15th International Conference on Modelling and Simulation (UK-SIM 2013). Cambridge UK. IEEE CPS. (2013)
G. Leventakis, A. Sfetsos, N. Moustakidis, N. Nikitakos, A Risk Assessment Framework for Interconnected and Interdependent Surface Transport Networks, 26th IPMA World Congress on Project Management, Crete, 29-31/10/2012
D. Zisiadis, G. Thanos, S. Kopsidas, G. Leventakis, V. Grizis, L. Tassiulas, STAR-TRANS Modeling Language (STML) Modeling Risk in the STAR-TRANS Risk Assessment Framework for Interconnected Transportation Systems, ISCRAM 2012 conference, Vancouver Canada 22-25 April 2012
D. Kostopoulos,G. Leventakis, V. Tsoulkas,N. Nikitakos: An Intelligent Fault Monitoring and Risk Management Tool for Complex Critical Infrastructures: The SERSCIS Approach in Air-Traffic Surface Control. 4th International Conference on Computer Modelling and Simulation (UKSim 2012). pp.205-210. IEEE. (2012)
G. Leventakis, A. Sfetsos, V. Gkrizis, N. Athanasiadis, S. Tonjes, S. Kopsidas, N. Moustakidis, S. Andronopoulos, A. Ramfos, D. Zisiadis, N. Nikitakos: A Security Risk Analysis Framework for Interconnected Transportation Systems. 8th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2011). ISCRAM Conference Proceedings, 8-11 May 2011, Lisbon, Portugal
S. Tonjes, G. Leventakis: Automated identification of vulnerabilities and dependencies of interconnected transportation networks., HEUREKA `11 – Transport Optimization”, CD-ROM: 16 – 17. March 2011 in Stuttgart /Germany, 2011 ISBN: 978-3-941790-72-8, 16 pp